What's my home worth? 

We will happily research current market trends and send you a custom report. Other sites may have your estimated value readily viewable however as you compare site to site you can see some discrepancies. Finding the most accurate estimated value takes time and consideration of a variety of factors. Selling your home takes strategy, hard work, knowledge and passion for the entire process. 
We would love to hear from you and help you with your real estate needs and goals. Request a Seller's CMA Report today!  

Prepare your home for Open House

Buyer's will size up your property while visiting open house and first impressions are important. Here are some things you can do in preperation. remember, while you are trying to sell your home, your homes is eye candy :) . 

8 Open House Prep Tips

Curb Appeal

First impressions are important. Did you know some buyers will decide if they will even enter the home based on their first impressions on the exterior?!

Home Odor

Every home has an odor that the residents dont smell over time. This is the perfect time to clean and instert some lovely home scents.